samedi 11 novembre 2017

Get Laughs With Prank Call Websites

By Joseph Stevens

While April the first is the most popular time to mess with those near and dear to you, pranking is not just an April sport. There are a million ways to get your bff on video being fooled, frightened, or frustrated beyond belief. Every one of those methods can be explored when you set them up through prank call websites.

Take your bestie back to the 1990s with a Rick Roll, but be sure to make sure to secure plenty of people around to hear it. Maybe you just want to worry an Auntie about your all expense paid trip alone to Istanbul on a human trafficking tour. Everyone knows that one driven, career-minded woman who needs to be told she is expecting triplets.

Hiring a professional can mean the difference between fun, or a friendship destroyed. Using poor taste, taking the matter too far, or utilizing a topic that is known to be a very soft spot for someone is not advised. We want to make people laugh and get a little red in the face, but we do not want to upset someone to the point that they become violent.

You can even make it look like your target is calling themselves in some new apps that provide you with a number of possible pranks. There are methods by which many people make a call appear to come from an unknown number. Heck, you could even make the call to one friend appear to be coming from another, and be pranking two of your besties at once.

A day spent engaged in listening to these pranks can teach any trickster or comic a great deal about executing jokes. Not only giving pointers on ways to make their voice unrecognizable, but also tips on handling a difficult to trick friend. It is a good idea to witness jokes unfolding just in case something goes wrong, the matter can be resolved without any further drama ensuing.

Online video sites also host an entire community devoted to inventing and executing the most creative pranks ever. With modern technology, one can weave a believable fable complete with supporting evidence or testimony. Be careful, however, as it is never a good idea to allow pranks to run on so long that the prankee becomes upset.

Before cell phones we had the roaring 1980s wherein every kid from Tyler, Texas to Tim Buk Two could dial any stranger and attempt to play innocent pranks upon them. Young people now just do not know the pleasure of anonymity on a snow day out from school, with the parents at work. There was nothing quite like hearing a friend invite strangers to join the Mooneys, show up at K-Mark naked, and their robes and tambourines would be provided.

Even as the Eighties have passed us by, there are even more methods available to the trickster friends of today. Not only that, but their comic camaraderie can be shared with the whole world, in real time if they wish. The only thing better than an embarrassing ruse, is a shared embarrassing ruse so the whole world gets to indulge a collective funny bone.

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