mercredi 28 février 2018

Things To Consider During A Job Offer Evaluation

By Paul Lewis

When applying for a job, we always hold out the hope that we will get it. We may be overly qualified and looking forward to starting the job. However, you should not always jump at any or every job opportunity you come across. You should ask for some time to think if you will take the job. Below are some of the steps of job offer evaluation.

You should seek information on the company offering you the job. You can start by visiting their social media platforms where you can see the comments of the clients. You can be able to make a decision based on these. You may also choose to contact a current employee to enlighten you so that you know if the place is suitable for you or not.

Apart from career goals, salary is one of the things that cause us to work. As you read the job offer letter, look at the amount of salary they are offering you. If you do not know where your salary ranges, there are many websites that can inform you of your worth. If the salary is too little for your qualifications, you may look for better options.

Every job has a set of allowances. You should look at the money provided apart from the salary. If you are unsatisfied you should consult with the management. It is not wise to go for a job because it pays a high salary. Ask to see their retirement plan. See how much of your salary is being put aside for the pension. If it is peanuts it is not worth it.

Savings and expenses are a big part of our lives. The closer you are to your place of work the shorter the commute and the lesser the expenses acquired. If a company office is located far, your commute may be longer and more tiring. They can offer to give you means of transport or facilitate your moving closer to the offices.

Time is how people are able to go about their day. Look at how much time you use to get to work and what means you use. You should also look at the working hours. Many times one works up to 8 hours a day but may need over time due to the work load. If you are paid per hour, then working overtime is good for you but just a salary may cause you to be paid less for more work.

Make sure that the job is in line with your career path. Do not be quick to accept a job because the perks seem exciting. Make sure that it is something that you are actually comfortable doing and you will be able to eventually achieve your career goals. If you hop from one job to the next, your potential employers will see you as unsteady.

Do a little digging on the role you are supposed to play in the company. You see what standards are being set for you and if they are realistic. If they are not, you might as well leave the job because doing what they want you to do is actually impossible.

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