jeudi 22 mars 2018

Spiritual Living Speaker California: A Traditional Way In A Modern World Healing

By Jessica Barnes

When it comes to spiritism, African culture is the one that has a greater tradition in this regard, especially the Nigerian one. With the population of the black continent spread all over the world, and especially in the United States, spiritual living speaker California is point of reference for those seeking this kind of spiritual guidance.

With more than 178,5 million people, Nigeria not only has the biggest population in Africa, but the largest economy too. Contrast this to another per capita statistic level of education and it is here that Nigeria really trumps most other countries, with certainly the highest number of degree-holding citizens per capita. Despite all this, Nigeria remains deeply disparate prosperity-wise. It is a nation of vast wealth, a bustling middle class, and deep rural poverty.

When all these factors are taken into account, it is not surprising that Nigerians are eschewing traditional religions in favor of more spiritist beliefs. To date, 70 million Nigerian Christians have turned into followers of the prosperity gospel, but have turned to other forms of religion for guidance in this area. With so many religions to choose from, the perceived paths to economic salvation are multiplicitous, propelled from a deep belief that what someone believes in will bring them relief from strife in their daily lives, not only spiritually, but in material means too. This may be why Nigerians need a new path to try in order to restore financial stability in their uncertain futures.

Mainstream pastors such as the renowned TB Joshua preach the prosperity principle. This principle is that God bestows financial wellbeing on those who follow his word. These pastors have gained a cult-like following and include the likes of Reverend Chris Okotie, a former pop star. They have large audiences and earn significant salaries. Their followers come from both rich and poor backgrounds, and their financially well-off followers bestow generous donations to their ministries.

However, a discontent has been growing among may of the followers of these ministries. The poorer believers are becoming aware that not everyone is blessed through faith in God alone. Many seem to struggle with the constant daily quest for inner wellbeing that must be acquired and practiced in addition to regular church attendance to see the results the pastors preach about. They cannot practice the daily precepts needed to bring about wealth, possibly due to work, family, and other commitments.

When the elusive sense of inner wellbeing cannot be attained, there has been a return to more indigenous paths of spirituality as it is more practical for daily practice. Many are now relying on the guidance of counselors, traditional and ordinary priests, and psychic healers in their strive for financial success. Those who have a perceived benefit from the transcendental healing they have experienced through their work with psychics now know not to repeat past mistakes that will result in financial woes.

As with any profession, there are those with astounding gifts that offer true insight, and those that are gimmicks. As a result, it is critical before embarking on this path to be able to weed out reliable psychic practitioners from fraudsters. Just as people instinctively have started to reject pastors who are in it for themselves only, it is possible to get a sense of when a reading is not going well.

End a session with any psychic who will claim to be giving you winning lottery numbers, or inflict fear on your soul with tales of tragedy or death. A genuine psychic will not tell you to buy their merchandise, or raise the cost of a consultation each time. As a rule of thumb, you should feel better, calmer and stronger after a consultation.

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