samedi 19 avril 2014

Sustainable Growth Comes From The Best Wisconsin Christmas Tree Farms

By Essie Osborn

In the festive season, a pine becomes an exciting pageant of lights for livening up the home on the best holiday. In every home, the holidays begin with putting the decorations up. There are many legends and stories about how the plant becomes an integral part of the holiday. Be sure to visit the best Wisconsin Christmas tree farms, because every child will experience a unique Christmas Eve with the presence in the home of the symbol of the one holiday that spreads goodwill all over the world.

The buyers, who choose the plastic option, highlight the many factors that support their selection, convenience, cleanliness, multi-use, protection of the environment. In support of this decision, they refer to the fact that the some farms use insecticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. Improper usage of such products may pose a risk to health and to have implications for water quality and the wildlife.

The most common types offered for the holiday come and get spruced up. The ordinary ones is a beautiful plant with a proper conical crown at a young age. Distinguish it with its flat needles with two white stripes down the side.

The natural habitats of these plants are mountain areas with an altitude of 1200 -1400 m. It is sensitive to urban air pollution and summer droughts, hence you need to plant your trees in a park, or in nature. But on the farm, the experts try to make conditions for the growth of the plant that are near the natural maximum.

It is important to decide where to plant your trees. At the moment, it will looks tiny and cute, but you should not forget that in time, it could create problems in your garden- overshadow other plants, the lawn and even threaten the foundations of your House. The most commonly used trees are spruces and pines.

The plant is native to the mountains of Southern Greece and Macedonia. In comparison with the ordinary ones, these are warm temperature and drought resistant. Grows in calcareous soils and suffers from late spring frost.

You have to be careful when purchasing. It is very important to have healthy roots with soil on them, with adequate size. For one that is 150 cm high, you need soil with about a 50 cm diameter. Many retailers sell poor quality trees with broken roots, so buy from trusted sources only.

The next danger from which you have to protect the living tree is freezing the roots- this can be done with the isolation or covering of the pot. Plant it before the start of spring /March, beginning of April/because with later removal of the plant from the pot, even small damage to the roots will reflect on the new-emerging soft twigs. When it comes to the time for planting, be careful not to damage the roots.

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