The aloe vera plant is really quite incredible. It is a succulent plant and part of the lily family ( family ), which is the same family that belongs to the onion and garlic.And use different parts of the plant for different effects on the body and Aloe Vera both indoor and outdoor applications.I love cactus juice jelly internal so I added to my juice to get some of the benefits of this plant is incredible. Be sure to read the last section of the excessive use of this plant as well as the recommendations of the dose.Aloe
Vera contains over 200 active ingredients, including vitamins ,
minerals, amino acids, enzymes, polysaccharides, fatty acids , no wonder
it is used for such a wide range of treatments. Is filled with the mass of the paper with a gel-like aloe vera and clear material , which is about 99 % water .Man has used the treatment of aloe for over 5000 years . A list of benefits and impacts of this miracle plant much .Here is a list of the top 12 medical purposes and benefits of Aloe Vera :A . Aloe Vera is rich in vitamins and minerals:Aloe vera contains many vitamins, including A, C , E , folic acid , choline, B1 , B2 , B3 (niacin ) , B6 . Aloe vera is also one of the few plants that contain vitamin B12.Some minerals present in the aloe vera 20 include : calcium, magnesium
, zinc , chromium, selenium, sodium , iron, potassium , copper and
manganese.2 . Aloe vera is rich in amino acids and fatty acidsAmino acids are the building blocks of proteins. There are about 22 amino acids essential for the human body and that said eight of them are needed. The estimates of the amino acids present in the aloe group 18 to 20 amino acids, with the 8 essential amino acids.Alove Vera also has quite an impressive range of fatty acids. Aloe
Vera contains three plant sterols , which are important cholesterol
fatty acid HCL (which reduces fat in the blood) , campesterol and B-
sitosterol. Are all effective in reducing the symptoms of allergic rhinitis and acid indigestion . Other fatty acids include linoleic , linolenic , myristic , caprylic , oleic , palmitic , and stearic .3 . Aloe vera is an adaptogenAloe vera is known as an adaptogen . Adaptogen is something that enhances the body's natural ability to adapt to external changes and disease resistance . It
is believed that the power of aloe as an adaptogen to balance the body
system , and stimulate the body's defense mechanisms and adapt . This allows you to increase the capacity to cope with stress (
physical and emotional stress and environmental pollution such as )4 . Cactus helps digestionIs associated with poor digestion of many diseases. A properly functioning digestive system is one of the key health facilities . Aloe is known to soothe and cleanse the digestive system and helps improve digestion. The
interesting thing about taking aloe internally is that because it is an
adaptogen , it helps with constipation or diarrhea, which helps
regulate your cycles eliminate any way you need. It was great to treat people who suffer from problems such as irritable bowel syndrome and acid reflux . Aloe
vera also helps to reduce the amount of bacteria in the intestines and
hostile to our maintaining a healthy intestinal flora in balance. Aloe is also an anthelmintic, which means it helps to rid the body of intestinal worms.5 . Aloe vera helps in detoxificationAloe vera gel is a diet based on plants, such as algae and Xia . The
main advantage of the consumption of foods of plant origin gelatinous
in your diet is that these gels move through the intestinal absorption
of toxins along the way and pass through the removal of the colon. This will help eliminate the right of waste from the body and helps to eliminate toxins from your body.6 . Aloe alkali in the bodyThe disease can not occur in an alkaline environment . Most people live and live food often acidic . For significant health , remember the 80/ 20 to 80 % alkaline forming foods and 20% acid . Aloe Vera is the food alkaline training. The alkali in the body , allowing to achieve a balance between too acid diet7 . cardiovascularThere
are not many studies in this area, but there was research showing that
aloe vera extract injected into the blood , and increase dramatically on
oxygen transfer and capacity diffusion RBCs .According to a study published in the British Medical Journal in 2000 , beta -sitosterol helps reduce cholesterol. Regulating blood pressure, improve blood circulation and oxidation of
blood, lowering cholesterol, and make the blood less sticky , you may be
able aloe juice to help reduce the risk of heart disease.8 . Aloe Vera helps to stimulate the immune systemI think that given the pressures of everyday life, and can be used every single impetus to their immune systems. Polysaccharides in the aloe vera juice stimulate macrophages , which
are white blood cells of the immune system to fight against viruses.Aloe
is an immune activator due to the high level of antioxidants , which
help fight against unstable compounds called free radicals , and
contribute to the aging process . (
Free radicals are producer duo of life itself , it is a natural process
, but we can exaggerate we need with free radicals by an unhealthy
lifestyle ) Aloe is also antipyretic which means they are used to prevent or reduce fever.9 . Aloe vera is wonderful for the skinBecause
of aloe vera is well known healing properties for the skin , aloe vera
is one of the main vehicles used in the cosmetic industry. It
is a real well-known ( in the sense that it helps to heal wounds ) and
is ideal for topical burns , abrasions , psoriasis, and even insect
bites . Aloe as an analgesic, works to help relieve the pain of injury. It
feels especially good to cut the stem of aloe and put it in the
refrigerator and rub it on the skin from sun burnt - calming immediately
feel like a rescue buoy absolute effect. Aloe is also an anti -itch : substance that prevents or relieves itching . Aloe vera is an astringent : that causes contraction of body tissues ,
which are commonly used to reduce bleeding from minor injuries.Due
to the high water content of aloe (more than 99 % water ) is a great
way to hydrate , moisturize and renew the skin and is in my general
guideline : " Do not put anything on your skin
you do not eat " Aloe increases the elasticity of the skin, making it
more flexible through the collagen and elastin repair. Aloe is an
emollient , which helps relieve and soothe the skin. It helps the oxygen supply of the skin cells , thereby increasing the
resistance of tissues and the synthesis of the skin and lead to improve
blood circulation through the skin of the dilation of capillaries .10 . Antiseptic, antibiotic , antimicrobial, bactericidal , anti -bacterial , anti -septic , anti -fungal and anti -virus:Wow , I think that covers all the anti- rules. Well,
I admit, and it was just a sneaky way to add 8 more reasons why you
should keep on hand cactus and integrate it into your lifestyle . Ingredients
Aloe Vera is active sulfur , lupeol , salicylic acid , and cinnamic
acid , urea and phenol , which are substances that inhibit the growth of
microorganisms that cause disease and work together to deliver an
activity antimicrobial eliminating most infections , internal and external , and is also active against bacteria. It also helps to treat fungal infections and viral infections.11 . Aloe vera helps to reduce inflammationAloe Vera contains 12 items , including the B- sisterole that can help slow or prevent infections. It may be able to help in painful joints due to the stiffness and help improve joint flexibility .12 . Weight loss - and side effectsImprove
your digestion , detoxification and your will have a secondary effect
in promoting weight loss because when we begin to improve the digestion
process we have and we are of course the elimination of more efficient ,
which is We an initial detoxification - through the intestines . This eases the burden on our toxic to the body and give us more energy.Aloe Vera precautions intakeThis plant is an incredibly doctor , but there are warnings against the long-term use . Just because a little is beneficial, does not mean that it is much more useful. This herb is incredibly powerful and should be used with a level of respect for its power . The long-term use can lead to electrolyte loss , particularly potassium .Avoid taking aloe internally during pregnancy , menstruation, and if
you have hemorrhoids or degeneration of the liver and gallbladder.Dose Aloe VeraMany people trying to sell products, aloe vera juice them. As I always say , "fresh is best. " Cactus plants can grow almost anywhere. When I lived in Canada , I used to have a lot of internal aloe plants and they did really well. Now that I live in Hawaii, the cactus grows everywhere , so I do not need to buy a juicer , I just do it myself . Some companies that sell aloe juice I recommend that we "regular" but I 'm not necessarily . We
must treat this plant as it is in medicine and adjust our body, we can
begin to really notice if we removed this plant for a certain level of
healing. We take the medication without unnecessarily our body really need? Probably not, and it's the same thing with botanical medicine . If
you suffer from any of these diseases in the digestive tract used for a
short period of time , as it is being processed (1-2 weeks ), then stop
and wait at least a month before starting again .When I lived in Vancouver , I bought a big jug of aloe juice took shots of it in the morning. One of the ways we can listen to our bodies is just an opinion instant feedback . When
I started taking it , my body is perfectly fine with it , the taste
does not bother me , I can say that it was good for my body. After a few weeks , and I would take a picture and I would get something from the gag reflex . Our bodies are amazing to contact us . It was a sign to me that Aloe medicine can take place in the treatment and do not start taking it at least a month or two .See
something that says weight loss on it, and we just go to the city to
catch it without looking at the possible toxic effects of excessive
medication only as strong as aloe plant . I
do not think in any culture , and has been used internally Aloe every
day - most traditional cultures understand that more is not always
necessarily the best and use them when you really need . In this way , it ensures the use of effective components of the plant when we are in need of it .A final note on the aloe juice , but do not have a strong pungent
taste , so if you can not treat go straight , mix the juice or add lime
juice .
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