samedi 20 janvier 2018

Things To Consider When Producing Field Pea Seeds For Sale

By Brenda Young

Legumes are grown basically for food and to add some nitrogen in the deficient soils. Poor soils can be improved greatly when supplementary fertilizers are applied. Field pea seeds are sown in soils that have adequate water and may be planted with other crops that require nitrogen in adequate amounts. Sometimes, it is planted as green manure which does well when turned down to decompose to form the necessary nitrogen. Production of field pea seeds for sale is based on many factors which directly or indirectly influence the actions of the farmer. The following are some of them.

Market availability. Pea seeds have a variety of uses which makes the market to be wide. People use them to get the proteins that are very important for body development and replenishment of worn out tissues. Those who keep livestock on their farms use them for feeding purposes. Millers of pet foods like the dogs and cats also are a good market. Carry out some advertisement and promotion to let people know that you have legumes for sale.

Storage facilities. Green peas go bad so easily and need to be stored in a dry atmosphere. Remove all the moisture in the seeds by carrying out enough drying and supply adequate aeration. Park in packets that are free of moisture since the length of period that they can comfortably stay is about 350 weeks. This is possible under optimal conditions of 40 degrees Fahrenheit and 12 percent of water content.

Types and varieties. Carry out soil sampling to determine the qualities of your soil to determine the best variety for your farm. Also, based on the needs of the market, the yellow and green class may be preferred, and you may be forced to plant the variety. Make reviews on the best one and also consult the agronomists to determine the best variety. Crop harvesting ability is key too, and you may want the crop that remains upright when mature for ease of harvesting.

Likely diseases and their control. Carry out crop rotation since it is the best way of controlling pests and diseases. Studies show that proper rotation needs to take four years between plantings to remove the pathogens that cause diseases completely. Plant corn immediately after peas to make sure that production is excellent. The output will be enough for sale.

Capital availability. Machination and automation may be required to carry out the planting and even preparation of land. Large-scale production will require you to procure adequate machinery to help in the planting, application of pesticides and herbicides on the farm. Get more capital to enhance farm operations.

Select a good site for planting. Carry out Soil sampling to determine whether your soil is good for planting the legume. Commercialization of this crop needs to entail a lot of research which enables maximum yield. Test the salinity and moisture content of the soil. Choose the best topography according to the variety that you will choose to plant.

Selling of the product will bring sufficient returns once the above things are considered. Take all necessary measures to ensure that you meet the objectives of farming. Invest adequately and expect enough income which comes after the farmer has considered every important aspect.

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