jeudi 10 avril 2014

Does Hypnosis Really Work On People

By Michael Corrano

The idea of hypnosis has been quite a controversial one for many years already as many hypnotherapists have been doing it. In fact, many people have been cured of vices and addictions such as smoking, drugs, and drinking because of this. However, the big question that still remains is does hypnosis really work on people.

Now before trying to answer this question, it is very important first to determine what this art really is. Basically, it is a way to suggest some messages into the subconscious brain and have the person execute those commands in the outside. It is actually just like a form of mind control.

Now the two types of hypnosis would be known as the aware and unaware types. If one is aware that he is being hypnotized, then it means that he is allowing the therapist to suggest messages. However, if one is unaware, then it means someone has been planting ideas into his head without him knowing.

Now because of the media, people would associate hypnotists as people wearing capes and swinging watches or pendulums in front of people. Now he is doing this simply because he would want to put that person into a certain trance where the subconscious is open. Now this is the most famous form but this is not the only form that there is.

Now it is actually very similar to meditation. Meditation is actually a form of self hypnosis because it deals with trying to put the mind into a blank state so that messages may go in without any resistance. It is because this phenomenon that people who do meditation are able to cure themselves of such vices like drinking, smoking, or even drugs.

Now the easiest way to be able to hypnotize a person is to simply get him to be willing to be hypnotized. Now a person will only be hypnotized if he is actually willing to give his mind to the suggestions. In other words, one has to be open minded if he would want to be hypnotized.

Now do take note that skeptics will usually not be hypnotized. They will probably be hypnotized only if just a small part of their brains would want to open up to being hypnotized. Then in some sense, they are actually willing to be hypnotized.

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