samedi 1 mars 2014

Simple "Anywhere" Exercises to Keep Yourself Fit

Staying fit is definitely a challenge if you live a busy life . Go to the gym takes time. May be a monthly membership fee to try for those on a tight budget , or you may feel a waste to pay for a gym membership that never used . In all these cases , it helps to have an exercise routine you can do anywhere , anytime.
Power program following which provide a solid foundation to stay in shape without a health center , free weights or machines. All of these exercises in this program is simple , you can use your body weight and do not require more than 20 minutes to complete if you choose to repeat the cycle . These exercises are six club form a reliable solution for people who are traveling or working in an office environment . You can make six in a hotel room or at lunch break in the park. If you sweat , make the turn quickly , or can form and run this routine to a level that does not cause you to sweat .
Exercise # 1: pushups ( three minutes )If you exercise every day , and should be the first priority pumps because they get to your heart , and strengthen the major muscles in the arms , shoulders, chest , and improve posture while working at the heart of the upper body. Using a minimum of 35-50 pumps takes 1-4 minutes a day will help prevent injuries and injury muscle fatigue and improve muscle strength in the chest . These benefits are good for men and women to improve their appearance to the upper part of the body .
Practice No. 2 : Partial Knee Dips ( four minutes )This low- risk practice is simple: stand on one foot and lift the other about 6 " of the land now submerged almost to the heel touches the ground Repeat 10-20 times, or until the muscles of the knee joint and buttocks tired ... This exercise is important because it strengthens the muscles of small and large support the knee . hollow of the knee is a sure way for a lot of knee injuries suffered by runners and walkers healing , and there including knee cartilage and pain caused by an imbalance in the muscles that hold the joint in place . hollow of the knee also help stabilize the tendon in the knee as they are forced to balance on one leg while you exercise , do 20 repetitions on each leg at least .
Exercise # 3 : situps ( four minutes )There are several ways to do squats , but the main goal is to increase abdominal strength , which helps prevent the most common injuries in the lower back . Do squats with your feet under a chair or weight is the best way to complete the process . But you can eliminate this support work , " belly" , and put his arms on his chest and abdomen net to create a sense of "crisis" in the abdominal muscles which tells you a particular job . As pumps, squats is the practice of classical , a little boring . But the benefits are worth a little trouble . Strengthen muscles and stomach "base" position limits used for back problems and can help in all sorts of other activities raking leaves for climbing . Do crunches every 50-100 days , at least .
Practice No. 4 : side slits and slots ( four minutes )Slots seem serious , but it is true that the exercise strengthens the muscles of the thigh , and hip / thigh and buttocks controlled . For splits , it helps to get over an area of ​​50 meters, where you can walk forward " jump " with the strengthening of the leg above the knee , where the heel. Keep heels on the angle of ninety degrees below the knee , which do not put undue pressure on the knee joint , and then repeat while walking forward . You can also do lunges "static" for the rest in one place , and repeat the same movement . Legs alternative for a variety and balance.
Are marginalized simply slots side vents . This force assistance " side " of the knee joint and thigh . Stand in one place and walk up to the leg side of the track is at an angle of 45 degrees. The lower part of the body so that the leg of the slot also allows a curve of 45 degrees. Only 20 slots and 20 slots in the side every day .
Exercise # 5 : Diving in full knee ( four minutes )What is the most difficult exercises listed here , but it has great advantages for people of all fitness levels . You may need to upgrade to a full routine of small groups of repetitions to complete this program.
To complete immersion in the knee , and stand on one leg and lift the other at an angle of 90 degrees. Balance on the bottom of the leg until the knee almost touches the raised floor . This is very similar to the weight of the leg press machine because it uses body weight to strengthen the knee. This is a difficult process in terms of balance and strength , so you may want to start with a chair for balance while bathing and lifting one knee . They grow exercise enthusiast , you will feel amazing and capabilities " to burn " in the hamstrings and glutes above. Also get to kneel on a great workout . This exercise is great for people who want to avoid tears ACL. Strengthens the hamstrings and glutes . 20 is likely to be representative of the highest level to start.
Practice No. 6 : toe touches the leg (about 3 minutes)Diving knee as full , and this requires practice to achieve balance. Standing on one leg and lift the other leg back at an angle of 90 degrees, or extension back in line with the upper part of the body . Then reach down with both hands to touch the toes on the ground . Contract and to stretch and strengthen the hamstrings after knee felt . This is great for runners and walkers , or any person engaged in sports such as ballistic baseball , tennis, basketball and golf. This stretch is great to work after sitting in a chair all morning. This is a great warm-up before running , walking events . DO10 each leg stretches daily . For an additional challenge , do this exercise while walking one step at a time.
It's all 6 exercises to keep your body in reasonable shape . Done regularly, these exercises to tone and strengthen the muscles of the body large , and to provide a basis for susceptibility wonderful in everything you do in life .

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