mercredi 3 janvier 2018

The Amazing Benefits Of Feng Shui Bagua

By Edward Cook

This is one of the primary ways that a home, office, or virtually any other type of space can have the energy flow in it analyzed. Feng shui bagua, which is also known as pakua or ba-gua, is a way of mapping out which parts of a house or space correspond to which part of the person's life. According to the masters of this ancient practice, there are eight key parts of a person's life that they must relate to in the space.

It is hard to find an ancient practice that everyone can agree on. While some people will stick to the old ways forever, other people have found more easy and accessible ways of doing things that, in some people's opinions, work better in the modern day for the modern person. The Western pakua techniques and the more classical versions both have their strengths and are completely legitimate, and it is a matter of taste.

The most important step to remember when going with the classical methods of pakua is to always get accurate readings when using a compass. This includes readings that are taken at the front door as well as anywhere else in the house. There are plenty of instructional videos online to help make this part of the process a lot simpler.

People can see benefits in all kinds of different spaces when they apply the techniques used in these ancient traditions. It is important to know exactly what type of space is being dealt with and to use the right methods. There are many helpful resources online to make sure you're on the right track.

It is always better to start out with an option that is less complicated and overwhelming for someone who has never tried it before. This makes the more modern version of the practice more preferable to newcomers. A simpler process makes mistakes less likely to be made.

The first step of BTB or modern ba-gua is to subdivide the entire building or home into nine individual squares, each one being equal in size. Each one of these squares will then be matched up with different parts of the person's life. The leftover square is reserved for the Yin Yang, where the home finds its balance.

After the individual areas of a house have been identified and matched with the correct area of life, no matter which form of pakua being used, this is the time to work on all the individual areas. This will help the person figure out what each area's needs are. Once each area is being treated well, the entire home and everyone in it will thrive.

Ancient traditions from long ago helped the masters in this practice determine exactly which part of a space relate to which specific area in life. The northern part of a house, for instance, is the one that relates to a person's career. Love and marriage have to do with the southwest area. In addition, all of the sectors have their own color and element that is unique to them.

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