mercredi 22 août 2018

After A Budget Uncontested Divorce GA Both Partners Will Be Better Off Financially

By Carolyn Davis

Those years when divorcing caused social ostracising are long gone. In these modern times divorcing is common place and there are even dedicated courts dealing with nothing but the dissolving of marriages. Single parent families have become the norm. This does not mean, however, that divorcing is not painful and fraught with many conflicting emotions. Nevertheless, by opting for a budget uncontested divorce GA couples can save a lot of money.

It is a sad fact that so many lawyers specializing in divorces encourage their clients to fight every tiny detail involved in the final agreement. This simply causes protracted court cases that end up costing an absolute fortune. In the end it is only the lawyers that walk away richer. Contested cases are also open to public and that means that all the dirty washing of the divorcing couple is made public.

It has certainly become easier to obtain divorces but there are still many laws that govern the dissolving of a marriage. The future of their children must be considered and their joint estate needs to be divided. In some cases it may be necessary to sell assets such as the family home and it is not always easy to liquidate joint investments and savings. In cases that are contested decisions on all these matters are made by the court.

Even when couples are resolved to dissolve their marriage amicably they still need some professional assistance. The many laws governing marriages can be complex and every party has certain rights. The final agreement must honour all these rights, especially those of the children, if there are any. Most couples get a lawyer to help them, and at least they only have to pay one professional.

Many divorcing couples do not realize that they can save even more money by foregoing the services of a lawyer altogether. There is no rule that requires them to use attorneys to finalize divorces. They may use qualified and experienced counsellors to help them draw up a final agreement. These counsellors are much cheaper than lawyers and they are licensed to deal with this type of case.

Lawyers and counsellors alike are paid for their time. It is therefore possible to save even more money by spending as little time as possible with the lawyer or counsellor. This can be achieved by reaching a private agreement on most of the matters that are involved. The counsellor or lawyer will then only have to make sure that the agreements are legal and fair.

Uncontested divorces offer numerous benefits. If both partners are reasonable and if they do not allow any negative emotions to colour their dealings with each other, everybody benefits. This is especially true if there are children involved. In bitter, contested divorces children often suffer tremendous trauma which is often carried into adulthood. A lot of money can be saved and the entire matter escapes any form of public scrutiny.

It is always sad when relationships fail. Nobody walks away from divorces utterly untouched. If there are no alternatives, however, at least an amicable divorce is a much better option than an ugly fight in open court.

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