vendredi 31 août 2018

Learning About Social Justice Reform

By Gary Peterson

When too many people are incarcerated, it can lead to big problems. There are many instances in which the prison system just doesn't work out because people are simply thrown into a locked cage with a bunch of other criminals, some far worse than themselves, and are not put through programs that help them function as normal civilians when they get out. While some prisons do a good job of this, it is the exception and not the rule, indicating the need for social justice reform.

A big problem in the world that has always existed and unfortunately might always be there to some degree in certain individuals is racism. When that way of thinking is allowed to infiltrate police forces, it can lead to serious problems that result in people of certain races, such as black people, being treated overly harshly by police and arrested more often even though they don't commit more crimes. This is one of the major problems that is plaguing society right now, and more in-depth media coverage of it is allowing more people to see it, become conscious of it, and realize that something must be done otherwise it will just keep going on indefinitely.

Some people are of the mind that protestors should just keep their mouths shut and stay at home, and that they do much more harm than good in their opinions. However, there are countless times in which the work of protestors has led to real legislative change happening. The reason why this works is that it draws a lot of public attention to the issue, meaning there will be more pressure on the politicians to do what's right.

Understanding just what social justice is doesn't have to be difficult if you just start with the basics. This refers to the relationship between the society and the individual. The point of it is that the relationship is a fair one.

When wealth is not distributed fairly, people can have a much harder time pursuing happiness and taking care of their family. What often happens is a very small group of people wind up with most of the money. In order for things to be fair, the wealth has to be distributed a little bit more evenly, otherwise, there will always be those who are poor and can't afford to feed their children a good meal, leading to countless more generations of poverty down the line.

People won't be able to do the things they want to do and get the jobs that they want to have if they don't have the same opportunities as everybody else. It is very unfortunate when this happens. This emphasizes the importance of opportunities for personal activity.

Without being able to find a good job, some people aren't able to do the things that they would really love to do. When someone can't move up from their station in life, that is called a lack of social mobility. It is a very sad and frustrating thing when it happens to you.

If you are constantly worried that you're going to go broke or hungry, it's impossible to be happy. It's also very hard to make good decisions. That's why having safety nets for these people is so important.

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