mardi 14 août 2018

Depression Therapist Fort Lauderdale Says To Look Out For These Indicators

By Raymond Butler

Contrary to popular belief, having depression is more than just feeling extremely sad. There are so many other things that this form of mental illness can bring, most of which are unknown to a lot of people. According to depression therapist Fort Lauderdale, below are some of the signs that a person may be clinically depressed.

Lack of energy. Most people who are depressed tend to have low energy levels. It's for this reason why many of them tend to spend most of their waking hours in bed. Having no energy is also sometimes the reason for quitting school or work as it's something that can be extremely challenging for depressed individuals to maintain.

Sleeping pattern changes. Inability to get a good night's sleep is a problem that's common among depressed people. Experts confirm that such can be blamed for their low energy. However, there are also those who feel sleepy all the time. Changes in sleeping habits, regardless of the kind, can definitely have all sorts of negative physical and social effects.

Changes in appetite. Some depressed individuals tend to lose their appetite. Such can lead to unintended weight loss that also usually results in malnutrition related issues, and vitamin deficiency is an example. In contrast, there are also those with depression who have increased appetite, something that can cause them to gain excess pounds unintentionally.

Digestive related issues. A person who is suffering from some kind of mental illness may experience problems concerning the digestive system. Nausea, an achy stomach, excess gas in the tummy, constipation and many others can cause the individual's mood to plummet even more, according to experts. Indeed, a vicious cycle can come into being easily.

Loss of interest in things. Someone who is depressed may no longer find delight in certain things. This is true even if a physical or mental activity used to be fun and enjoyable to the person. It seems like the world around him or her is no longer interesting, quickly robbing the individual of the desire to have a long and happy life.

Constant anger or irritability. Everyone is aware that a depressed person tends to feel sad most of the time. However, not many people know that it's also possible for the individual to feel irritable. Mental health experts say that someone who is battling the illness may also exhibit uncontrolled anger, something that can leave relationships in a wreck.

Addiction to alcohol or drugs. Many individuals who are depressed tend to look for ways to help them get over the profound grief and emptiness being experienced. This is why a lot of them become hooked on alcohol and illegal drugs, too. Being addicted to a substance can definitely make things worse, exacerbating the mental illness itself.

Someone who feels like he or she is depressed should consult a therapist. Otherwise, so many additional problems may strike based on the things discussed above. An expert can help in properly dealing with the mental disorder, thus sparing the depressed individual from unnecessary complications.

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