samedi 15 février 2014

Children And Martial Arts

By Richardo Manning

Although the West's general understanding of Asia is limited, it has adopted a few of Asia's traditions whole-heartedly. Among the most prominent imports are martial arts. They are just too cool to overlook. Beginning with Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, and the "Karate Kid" movies, the West has embraced martial arts as both a sport and a self-defense mechanism.

But even though we are all familiar with the words "karate, karate-chop, wax-on, wax-off, and black belt" most of us don't really know much else. If you've ever been curious about what the different colors mean and what exactly karate is, here's a quick summary: Among the most popular forms of marital arts are the following. Karate, Judo, and Jujutsu are from Japan. Taekwondo is Korean. Kung Fu is Chinese. Muay Thai is from Thailand.

Physical Fitness - Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and Taekwondo are excellent martial arts for children to participate in to get exercise. Rather than sitting inside and playing video games or watching television, they are engaging in real-life activities. The benefits of being active in physically demanding activities are numerous and vital to the development of children.

White: A novice wears white, which some say symbolizes the pureness of birth or a beginning. Yellow: The next level is yellow. It can be compared to the first beam of light the seed meets, which will give it strength to develop further. Orange: Next comes orange, which represents the growing power of the sun. As the student continues to learn from his/her master, he/she will gain strength and continue to develop.

Kickboxing Another form of Western "martial arts" that many do not consider to be strictly a "martial art" but contain many of the same principles of traditional martial arts is kickboxing. Kickboxing consists of a series of swift punches, kicks, and knees that disorient an armed attacker and incapacitate him. This is another form of fighting that can be easily learned and is quite sufficient to protect you against most attackers.

Conflict Resolution - Many people think that martial arts promote violence, and aggressive behavior to resolve conflicts with others. This is perhaps justified as typically martial arts are portrayed as such in motion pictures and on television. However, martial arts teach children the right ways to resolve conflicts, avoiding physical confrontations. While teaching self-defense, they also provide non-violent conflict resolution skills.

Black: Black represents the darkness beyond the sun or the universe. As a master fighter, the master seeks further, mystical knowledge of the art and begins teaching students of their own. There are ten rankings within the black belt category that masters can work to achieve.

If you or your children would like to learn a form of martial arts, there are great opportunities right in your neighborhood with Taekwondo in Provo or Martial Arts Summer Camp.

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