jeudi 13 février 2014

There Are Many Weird National Holidays

By Jerri Perry

People everywhere really need to know about the weird national holidays that exist. Individuals will surely enjoy all of these crazy days that were made up by ordinary human beings. Anyone can join in on Fruitcake Toss Day, Trivia Day, Male Watching Day, Friendship Day, Hug A GI Day, Hug A Newsman Day, Tell A Lie Day, Clean Up Your Room Day, Dare Day and Lazy Day.

After the Christmas holidays people are usually stuck with many unwanted fruitcakes in their refrigerators. This is the time that they will toss out this very nasty food item. Instead of throwing the cake into the garbage can many individuals will gather with their family and friends to throw it around like a football. These humans will also see which person can throw this nutty cake the fastest. This event usually happens on January 3rd.

National Trivia Day gives many people the chance to show off their knowledge about different events in this world. It is almost as if people were playing the game show "Jeopardy" on this day. Individuals can be sure that January 4th will turn into one fun date that celebrates the true geniuses of this world.

A real woman knows exactly what she wants in a man and this is the reason why Male Watcher's Day happens. Sometimes women are not the only ones staring at very handsome men on this date. When January 8th arrives these ladies may find many gay guys at the construction sites with them. This special date allows everyone to admire men who have strong muscles and great features. Sometimes it is quite funny to see the women competing with the homosexual males for a good looking man's attention. Some ladies even offer marriage to these great looking guys that are working very hard at their job.

People who are looking for lasting relationships may want to check out Friendship Day. This is one time that lonely individuals can find ever lasting pals who will always be there for them. The date also permits individuals to reach out to strangers that live in their neighborhood.

On this date human beings take the time to do good deeds for others that are in need of help. Young people will deliver food and other items to senior citizens during this early part of August.

Soldiers feel very fortunate to have Hug A GI Day. Little children everywhere will run up to a military person and give them a great big hug. Everyone gets a very warm feeling from this day since Americans really have a great deal of respect for their Army, Navy and Air Force workers. This appreciation takes place on March 4th.

Tell A Lie Day is one of the weird national holidays that is on some calendars. This day allows people to really stretch the truth to others. At times people will have a contest in which everyone has the chance to make up a thrilling tale that will have everyone on the edge of their seat. All of these lies are only told on this particular day. The contest winners will surely collect a big prize for their hysterical and unusual stories.

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