mercredi 19 février 2014

German Militaria For Sale On Line

By Krystal Branch

Starting a collection is a great way to stay busy and use some free time. Many people start one when they are young and continue to add items throughout their life. Looking around at German militaria for sale is a great hobby. Not only is there a lot of interest in finding rare pieces, it is also an opportunity to own a real piece of history.

Those who are just starting out with a new collection will find many reasonably priced items available for purchase. There are actually some great buys for under $25. This ranges from badges and insignia to the lesser medals and even personal items. Something with the soldiers name still on it is always popular. Buyers can often do a little research and find out a lot about the life and death of a particular serviceman.

Some people are especially interested in a certain branch of the military such as the Waffen SS or the Luftwaffe. These were very elite divisions that carried out mission for the infamous German leader Adolf Hitler. Any memorabilia connected directly with Hitler or his close personnel is typically very valuable. Collectors will pay a lot for an item owned or signed by the wartime military leaders.

Some collectors also like to find pieces dating back to the First World War. This is an especially poignant year as it is exactly one hundred years since the conflict broke out. The Great War as it is commonly known was the first truly modern war that involved most of the countries of Europe, the Far East and even the United States. There are still many items on the market, although they tend to be more expensive that the later pieces. Many collectors like to compare the difference and developments in the years between the two wars.

Those interested in the air war and plane often decide to collect Luftwaffe memorabilia. This ranges from badges and insignia, to full uniforms and flight books. These can make fascinating reading as the pilots own words are still there on the page. This type of highly personal item is much sought after by serious collectors trying to piece together an image of a real person.

Weapons from both wars are of major interest to many people, either for a private collection or a public museum. A good quality gun or knife is certainly a talking point. It is made even more interesting if the original owner was known. An authentic officers revolver or dress uniform knife in pristine condition is sure to draw a lot of interest.

New collectors should be careful about what they purchase. They should try and find a reputable dealer to work with until they have the necessary experience to buy on their own. It can be devastating to spend a lot of money on a piece of military memorabilia only to find it is a fake.

Museums and serious collectors are often looking for bigger items of German militaria for sale. These often include vehicles such as armoured cars, motorcycles and even tanks. There are few remaining in good condition and they do fetch very high prices.

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