Negative emotions include sadness, fear, distress, anger, loneliness,
greed, hatred and other feelings that, if ongoing, can narrow your
attention and cognition – leading to your becoming more brittle,
inflexible and having difficulty in recovering from setbacks and
emotional blows. Negative emotions are not bad per se, and can be a
signal that something is needs your attention and action.
Obstacles to happiness
How come I’m not happy? Some psychological obstacles to
happiness for people pursuing a happiness along the roads to happiness
Hedonism - The main problem with this approach is
called the hedonic treadmill. The thrill wears off when we become used
to them. To compensate, the intensity of the stimulation must be
increased until it becomes unhealthy and unsustainable. Pleasure
seeking may easily become addictive or self-destructive. Pleasure
seeking may also lead to unrealistic goals or mistaken goals that you
many pursue even if it ruins your health or is destructive to others,
the community or the planet. Examples of other unrealistic goals are
perfection, total control over everything, or trying to be so good or so
clever that nothing bad could ever happen to you. If you pursue
happiness through hedonism you can include many and various pleasures
and to check to see if you are engaging in over-indulgence or
unrealistic thinking.
Eudemonia - For people pursuing eudaimonic
happiness, some of the main obstacles are excessive focused time spent
on thinking about on negative experiences. Negative emotions tend to be
more intense and more attention-grabbing than positive emotions, so come
to mind more easily. If you are pursuing happiness through eudemonia,
you can foster positive emotions through awareness by using
loving-kindness meditation, gratitude journaling and other strategies
that increase savoring and capitalizing positive experiences. Negative
experiences can bring insight and self-knowledge which can increase
happiness, so should not be ignored altogether.
Flow - Pursuing happiness through flow can lead to
diffuse attention: Flow is achieved through a quality of attention that
requires clear focused activity and intention. Not having goals or not
making progress towards goals interferes with the required focus.
Excessive consumerism; excessive passive leisure, like watching a lot of
television or gossiping; and excessive multitasking or too much
unstructured time can make it very difficult to enter flow. Conflicts
among goals, goals that do not meet your needs or goals set by someone
else can be obstacles to happiness. Also, engaging in an activity with
the sole purpose of achieving a goal can be an obstacle to happiness. If
you pursue happiness through flow, check to see if you are clear on
your goals, and that your goals are aligned with your needs and values.
Chaironic - For people interested in chaironic
happiness, wavering commitment or doubt can decrease happiness. People
who describe themselves as highly committed to their spiritual or
religious practice or a sense of connection to a higher power are twice
as likely to assess themselves are “very happy” as those with low sense
of commitment. If you are taking chironic road, happiness and life
satisfaction rise with the frequency of interaction and strength of
connection with a place of worship or organization associated with your
sense of higher purpose. You may consider developing or strengthening
your relationship with a place of worship, organization or other
like-minded people.
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